Hi I'm Jeff.
I went to MIT where I majored in Applied Math and minored in Architecture. I worked in John Bush's Fluid Dynamics Lab as a UROP student, and went to China with MISTI.

After some time in Marseilles and working at a financial consulting firm as a quant, I went to the Interactive Telecommunication Progam at NYU. At ITP I worked on numerous projects such as a pair of "drum gloves" that used pressure sensors to drive MIDI, and a domestic electricity usage monitoring system.

I worked for a long time at Potion Design for clients like The Smithsonian, Nike, Bell Labs, and many others. At Potion I did everything from crawl through hotel ceilings running ethernet cables to programming interactive touch algorithms.

I'm currently at Hadron Industries where I build collaborative immersive platforms for industry and defense.

I have extensive experience using software and hardware to build interactive systems for real-time collaboration, data fusion, and training. Tools I frequently use include:
I also project manage and head product design on many projects I'm involved in. I'm fairly active on Github where I share some of my personal code projects and documentation. I also maintain a documenation knowledge base of software/hardware topics.
I'm located in New England 🍂.